Air Pollution & Asthma

Pollution is a growing problem across the world, and the effects of air pollution on health – especially on asthma – are significant. Truck traffic, waste transfer stations, meatpacking plants, …

Newsletter Spring 2016

Here is our WIND Study Spring Newsletter (you can read it in Spanish too)! In this issue, check out the latest updates on the study, learn more in depth about green spaces …

Dealing with Pollen Allergies

Pollen, the fine powder plants make in order to fertilize other plants of the same species, is one of the most common causes of allergies in the United States. Unfortunately, …

Newsletter March 2016

Here is our WIND Study March Newsletter (you can read it in Spanish too)! In this issue, check out the latest updates on the study, learn more in depth about the “hygiene …

Newsletter Fall 2015

Here is our WIND Study Fall Newsletter (you can read it in Spanish, too)! In this issue, check out the latest updates on the study, learn about the link between food …